ILANIT to celebrate the accomplishments of Groundbreaking Women In Science!
upcoming ILANIT/FISEB Conference is proud to celebrate women in science!
We will
feature multiple dedicated events that will include an impressive lineup
of female keynote speakers, a panel held by Prof. Batsheva Kerem that focuses
on the past and the present glass ceilings for women in academia, medicine
and industry, a lunch for women postdocs with inspiring women scientists, and
early-bird sessions designed to empower women in
pursuing careers in academia and industry. |
Let’s Dive Deep Into the Spotlight on Women
The Early-Bird Soft Skill Sessions will focus on how to combine the challenges and joys of science and parenthood successfully, how to manage the “imposter syndrome”, and will also touch upon what it’s like to experience a postdoctoral training abroad.
The panel, held by Prof. Basheva Kerem, will discuss current challenges and potential solutions for pursuing an academic or industry career with a spectacular list of participants, including Genevieve Almouzni Galia Blum, Shulamit Levenberg, Galit Ophir, Maya Schuldiner, and Ronit Bendori.
Following the panel, the conference will host a lunch exclusive to women postdocs with the inspiring women from the panel as well as early-career scientists Yarden Golan-Maor (from Wiser), Tal Yardeni, and Yaara Oren.
You don’t want to miss this!

Genevieve Almouzni

Batsheva Kerem

Galia Blum

Shulamit Levenberg

Galit Shohat-Ophir

Maya Schuldiner

Ronit Bendori